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Great Fundraising Ideas For Young Children

Great Fundraising Ideas For Young Children

Finding the perfect fundraising idea can be quite a challenge, especially when dealing with young children. When fundraising with children, the perfect idea is one that is both fun and safe. There is a countless amount of ideas that can meet this criteria.

One of the most proven fundraising methods, that is kid appropriate would be a fun run or 10k. A fun run is a great way to raise funds and get exercise at the same time you can ask the kids to dress up to make it fun. How they work is simple, each participant attracts sponsors, who pledge a donation for every kilometre they walk or run. If this is part of a school event you can always get each class to walk or run a certain amount and add the total distance together at the end. There are many ways to attract sponsorship and the most obvious is from friends and family. However, another great source of sponsors can be from small businesses, many small business owners take every opportunity to be philanthropic. Just always remember that the kids should never try to attract a sponsorship from strangers, without adult supervision.

Having a cake sale is another great idea for fundraising with young children. It’s great because everyone loves brownies, cookies and cakes. Also, the kids will have fun helping with the baking process and maybe even decorating the goods. There is one downside however, and that is it takes a very small investment to get going. The good news is it only takes a few sales to break even. There are many places where a cake sale can be set up like churches, schools, local events and maybe even local community centres.

Selling a service is very appropriate for young children, and it can be a very profitable fundraising idea. One of the most common services that is sold at fundraisers is car washing. A fundraising car wash can be highly successful anytime of the year, but they do much better during the warmer months. The only requirements are, you need to have soap and access to running water. People go to fundraising car washes to help out, not because they expect the best car washing service in town. Other service based activities is shopping bags being packed, gardening or raking leaves and taking peoples unwanted junk away and maybe finding thing to sell at a sale.

Holding a raffle can be another great idea for a fundraiser. There are a few things you need to do to hold a raffle. The most important is acquiring prizes, they don’t have to be extravagant, but they have to be something people would pay for a chance to win. A couple of good ideas for prizes would be meat, antiques or gift certificates. You can acquire prizes, by either buying them or accepting donations. Next, you have to advertise, people need to know you’re having a raffle for it to be successful. A couple of good ways to advertise would be, handing out fliers, posting on local message boards (both on and offline) and by word of mouth.

Getting the children excited and motivated is a good thing so maybe incentivise them with their own special treat for raising a certain amount of money like a school disco or entertainer or trip for them. There are many other ideas for fundraisers you can try, just always make sure they’re fun and appropriate for all participants.