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Small Tattoo Designs – The Must Know Details and Plans For Your Small Tattoo Design

Small Tattoo Designs – The Must Know Details and Plans For Your Small Tattoo Design

A lot of people like to get small tattoo designs.  There are a variety of great reasons to get a smaller tattoo design then going for a big one.  First of all there is the commitment factor, the pricing issue and the discreetness of the tattoo.  Many people getting their first tattoo will opt for a small tattoo design instead of some really large piece and this is a good way to get started.  However, if you are contemplating getting a small tattoo design then you should think about these things first.

Tattoo Size

This might seem like something that is so obvious that it might not even need to be mentioned here.  After all the title for the article is small tattoo designs so of course the size is going to be something small right?  However, there are a lot of different options and small is somewhat dependent on the location.  For example a small back tattoo is probably much larger then a small wrist tattoo or a small foot tattoo design.  So the first thing to consider is how small do you really want the design.   If you are wanting for example a small Japanese Kanji on the inner wrist it can be done pretty small.  However if you want your name with a  heart then it is going to be a good deal bigger.  So think about the tattoo and how small you want it to be.

Tattoo Detail

The next thing you will really want to consider and think about before going in to your local tattoo shop is the amount of detail you want in the tattoo.  Of course the guide is always with a smaller tattoo you want much less detail.  If you have a very small tattoo that is also very intricate in a few years the ink is all going to spread and run together and you will have an ink spot.  Unless you are into psychology and want people to tell you wan  they see in your ink spot tattoo you probably want to get something that does not have a  lot of detail.  For example a skull with eyeballs that are reflecting another skull inside of it are probably not going to work for a small tattoo.  A fairy with a ton of little flowers in there intricate hair is not going to make a good small tattoo.  So think about something that does not have a lot of detail.  Line work and writing always works very well for a small tattoo.

Tattoo Location

You will also want to get some rough ideas about the location for your tattoo design.  Foot tattoos and hand tattoos and shoulder tattoos are all going to look different.  The designs you choose and the shape and size of them will be partially determined by the location you want to get tattooed.

Tattoo Care

Last but not least is proper tattoo care.  Since you chose to get a small tattoo you will need to work extra hard to keep it covered or have sunscreen on it when in the sun.  Otherwise the spreading of the ink will happen much faster and again you will end up with an ink blot.