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Jes Extender Review – Penis Enlargement Extension Device

Jes Extender Review – Penis Enlargement Extension Device

The Jes Extender has received a lot of publicity over the past few years. While the device has been around for 10 years, the company has recently updated the model. Since the update, people have started noticing the amazing results of using the Jes Extender. Compared to the cheaper versions, the Jes Extender has lasted longer and show much more positive results. Many companies have published articles about the wonderful benefits of using the Jes Extender. One of the publications involved a testimonial of a 40 year old Canadian in 2000. He wore the the device over a period of 17 days. The total amount of hours that he had to wear the extender was 55 hours. His penis size increased by 4 centimeters. His penis now measures 9 centimeters compared to the original 5 centimeters. This measurement is when he is both limp and erect.

He is not the only user to not the wonderful results. One man noted that after wearing the extender for 19 months for four hours a day, he went from 14.3 cm to 26.5c m. Before wearing the extender, he was not able to stay erect or a very long period of time. He is now able to hold an erection longer and his penis hangs lower and thicker. Other results have been very similar. Another user wore the device for 4 hours over the course of 8 months. He first measured 6.5 inches and now measures 7.5 inches. A man who wore the device for 3 months longer than him noted that he went from 17 cm to 20 cm. His penis was originally curved and was very uneven on both sides. After only 3 months, his penis was straight and level on each side. He stated that he gained not only a longer penis but a large boost in confidence.

According to the purchasers of the Jes Extender, the greatest part about the device is the security. With other brands, the extender slips out of place and does not fit very snug. They have to completely remove the device and then start over. The Jes Extender is very snug with silicon bands and other plastic material to hold it in place. If you need to adjust the device during the day, you can leave it on while loosening it or tightening the tension. The kit comes with small adjustment tools. The Jes Extender is comfortable enough to wear while you are sleeping. You can also wear it under your clothes during the day while feeling confident that no one will be able to tell. The silicone materials are made of gentle substances that do not irritate the skin. The metal is also unable to rust, so you will never have to purchase new metal rods. In turn, you will save money while receiving a large boost in penis size. Over 100,000 men have used the Jes Extender to improve the length of their penis. They have gained confidence in the bedroom and their lovers are very pleased with the results as well.