
Smart Automotive

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Dating a Girl Who Drives Toyota Prius

Dating a Girl Who Drives Toyota Prius

Today we want to share the findings from another survey. Objective was to determine what kind of women drive Toyota Prius. We’ve randomly selected and questioned 200 Prius’ female owners across the nation out of which 133 responded to our questionnaire. Please note that we knew nothing about participant’s age, place of residence, social status or year of Toyota Prius they are driving. The only selection criteria were ownership of Toyota Prius and being single. One of the survey questions was to confirm that the woman currently owns Toyota Prius. Below are the questions we’ve asked and the answers we’ve received.

1. What do you do if your first time date spills beer inside your Toyota Prius?

a) Tell him not to worry about that and clean the spill. 42% b) Ask him nicely to be more careful next time and clean the spill. 33% c) Get a little ticked off and tell him to clean the spill. 17% d) Get really upset and ask him to get out of the car. 8%

2. Your second time hot date wants to take you to a drag car racing tonight and your friend has invited you to join her at a “Keep Our Earth Green” 20 mile rally where only hybrid vehicles are allowed. What would you do?

a) Go to a drag car racing. 52% b) Go to “Keep Our Earth Green” 20 mile rally. 48%

3. You just bought yourself a brand new Toyota Prius and your first time blind date shows up at your door to pick you up in his Hummer H-1. What is your reaction?

a) You say nothing and get into his Hummer 19% b) You politely offer him to take you Prius in order to save some gas money 58% c) You offer him to take your Prius and preach to him about being green and protecting our environment. 17% d) You shut the door in his face and never talk to him again. 6%

4. The girl who’s trying to steal your boyfriend is riding a bicycle and is about to crash into your shiny green Toyota Prius. You see she’s going to hit your car in a matter of seconds so what do you do?

a) You do and say nothing and let her crash into your Toyota Prius. 48% b) You see her coming and you open the door so the crash is even more severe. 18% c) You see her coming and yell to her attention so she doesn’t hit your car. 34%

5. The guy you really like and think he is the one tells you that he hates Toyota Prius. What is your reaction?

a) You get into heated argument trying to change his mind about Prius. 37% b) You ignore his comments, keep driving Prius and keep dating the guy. 41% c) You dump him the minute he makes that comment. 18% d) You ask him what kind of car he would prefer you would be driving and then you go and trade in your Toyota Prius for that car. 4%

We believe this survey brings some anticipated findings. Ladies even if they love their Priuses too much when forced to chose between their man or Prius go with the first one. But when forced to choose between some good cause event such as “Keep Our Earth Green” 20 mile rally or watching drag car racing with their boyfriends ladies tend to be close to 50/50 on their decision. And the last fact from the survey is that most women will sacrifice their Priuses for a chance to bring down their female competition.