
Smart Automotive

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Advantages in Using HHO for Fuel As a Supplementary Fuel

Advantages in Using HHO for Fuel As a Supplementary Fuel

There are two types of specific advantages in using a HHO for fuel system in an internal combustion engine. These advantages are:

  • Saving money by using less fuel consumption
  • Less engine wear through carbon build-up

All internal combustion engines (ICE) which run on fossil fuel have an inefficiency of extracting the full power from the fuel being used. Even the latest modern production engines can’t seem to get this right, even though they are far better than older engines. Proof to this is that all new gasoline engine come equipped with a catalytic converter from the factory as a mandatory legislation, because of this fuel wastage. Unburned fuel, or partially burned fuel causes toxic waste which pollutes the same air we breathe. If the gasoline fuel was to burn off completely at 100 percent, there will be no hydrocarbon fuel (made up of hydrogen and carbon), meaning that the oxygen in the air combines with the hydrogen to form water and with the carbon to become carbon dioxide.

Incomplete Fuel Combustion

When the fuel combustion isn’t fully burned, some of the carbon atoms only combine with one oxygen atom rather than two. This forms a highly poisonous gas known as carbon monoxide (CO). Sometimes carbon atoms may remain bonded together and these carbon atoms might also include hydrogen atoms in the mix, because of this atom bonding attachment. This results in hydrocarbon molecules coming out of the exhaust’s tailpipe. These unburned hydrocarbons react with nitrogen oxides, which is another pollutant from fuel combustion process. This produces the photochemical smog in the presence of sunlight, which causes us lung irritation. The incomplete fuel combustion of diesel produces soot because carbon atoms can also remain stuck to one another, having few or no hydrogen atoms bonded together.

Saving Money by Using Less Fuel Consumption

This incomplete fuel combustion is wasted energy, as well as being a pollutant and ultimately causes us money from not utilizing the whole amount of the fuel consumption. Adding HHO for fuel as an additive to the engine’s primary fuel will eliminate this fuel wastage by making the fuel burn completely. As the engine is designed to work with these fuel inefficiencies, the engine gains more power than necessary, which means that the primary fuel can be reduced (lean fuel setting) giving out the same, or slightly increased power output.

Less Engine Wear through Carbon Build-up

All internal combustion engines will have an accumulating carbon layer caused by the fuel combustion process. This carbon has a grinding effect on any moving parts, which scratches the highly accurate machined surfaces of the components. Some of this carbon is diluted through the engine’s oil during the combustion cycle, passing between the fine tolerances of the piston rings and bores. The oil filter usually captures any non dissolved carbon particles, together with the fine granulated metal and alloy particles caused by friction of rubbing materials. Unfortunately not all carbon deposits stop at the designated oil filter, thus managing to make it through. This is why the oil blackens after extensive use, and should be changed frequently.

Installing a HHO for fuel system not only helps in the complete fuel combustion process, but it also has an extended benefit of steam-cleaning the engine’s internals through the process. This is achieved because upon burning the HHO gas (also known as hydroxy gas) the resultant byproduct is hot dry steam which cleanses out any carbon deposits from the combustion chamber, all the way through the tailpipe.

On older engines with less advanced fuel atomization technology and less tight manufacturer clearances, it was custom to decarbonize the engine’s cylinder head every two to four years, especially on vehicles using very short distances to cover their journeys. This meant that the engine’s top was stripped and manually cleaned from these carbon deposits. Nowadays we have special carbon-cleaning equipment which can be hooked up to the vehicle’s engine to steam-clean the whole engine without removing any engine parts. This system works on the same principle of HHO for fuel system, where water is converted to hydroxy gas from the water electrolysis process. Some portable machines even use the vehicle’s own electrical system to generate this gas, while stationary machines will have a built-in power supply unit.

HHO for Fuel System Advantages

The most significant advantage of using a HHO for fuel system is as fuel saving device. One must not forget that whoever uses such a system is also contributing positively for repairing the damage caused to our climate change. Many auto manufacturers are on a constant R&D program finding alternative fuel energy resources to put into production. Hybrid and electrical vehicles are typical examples. Ongoing research is being done on hydrogen fuel only vehicles too. Unfortunately these vehicles are too expensive for normal citizens and few countries and cities have hydrogen stations installed. Most hybrid engine systems have a conventional engine which also runs on electrical power. The only hybrid exception is the BMW Hybrid 7 which uses its own gasoline engine and adapted it to run on liquid hydrogen.

The main advantages of using HHO for fuel systems are:

  • No need to invest in an expensive hybrid vehicle
  • Can be installed professionally in half a day
  • No internal engine alterations are required
  • Engine becomes more power efficient and runs smoother
  • This conversion will pay for itself within a year or two from the fuel savings
  • Can be easily removed and installed on another vehicle
  • Becoming part of a positive movement towards present and future generations through clean energy