
Smart Automotive

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A New Car Break-In Technique

A New Car Break-In Technique

We live in a fast pace society and that includes technology development. Technology can be a great tool to make our lives much easier in many ways. However, with great technology comes great responsibility. It is easy for technology to consume your life. It is also easy to abuse and misuse the wonders of technology.

With this story, that is the case. Thieves caught on surveillance camera were recorded walking up to cars and yanking on the handles. Usually at this point you would see broken windows or pried open doors. In other words, there would usually be a lot of damage done. But, in this case the thieves seemed to use a compact device to electronically unlock the doors.

It is pretty easy to manipulate, according to tech experts, especially since most vehicles use a keyless method to unlock and lock their vehicles. It is easy to create something that manipulates the vehicle into thinking that the owner with the car remote is standing nearby, even when the are not.

This case took place in Sauk Village, IL, but it is not unheard of happening in other places. The victims losses included a jujitsu belt and some boxing gloves, estimated around $30. Fortunately, there was not anything extremely valuable to the victim in the vehicle. Again, the thieves left no evidence or damages besides the contents of the glove box being strewn across the passenger seat.

Although this new technique can be difficult to prevent, there are a few factors to keep in mind when trying to prevent theft. First, remember to avoid leaving anything valuable in your vehicle, especially when leaving it for the night. If you are running errands and must leave something in your vehicle, experts advise you leave it in the trunk or underneath a towel or blanket.

It also helps to install extra security systems and anti-theft devices in your car. It decrease your auto insurance cost and prevent the theft of any belongings. It also helps to add security systems around your home to expose criminals such as the surveillance footage did.

Another tip that may reduce the likelihood of a break in is parking your vehicle in a well-lit area. Most thieves will not target a vehicle that is in an area that has relatively bright lighting because it increases the likelihood of them getting caught.

It also helps to avoid parking in an otherwise empty area. This also makes your vehicle an easier target to thieves since less people will be around.

Remember, car break-ins are fairly common and now technology is making it even easier to unlock and get into vehicles. Always lock your vehicle when leaving it and again, never ever leave valuables such as money or electronics in your car.

Additionally, keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior out of people around cars, as this could be criminals at work. Report anything unusual or unsafe to authorities immediately.